
Regarding writing tools, I worked with Storyjumper with students from the second year of CSE. I organized my students into groups of 3 trying to form heterogeneous groups. 

We had already worked on past tenses, so we devoted the writing task of the unit to create a story using Storyjumper. In order to get the final product, first, we worked together trying to think about the parts of a story. Then, they added ideas about possible time and place expressions as well as connectors. After this, I asked them to write a draft of their story and their partners tried to correct it. Then, they had the final version of the story and they were able to write it using the tool. Before getting started with it, I explained briefly how to use it, although it was easy for them to understand. 

The learning objectives of the activity were:

  • Identifying parts of a story.
  • Using past tenses correctly.
  • Managing team work.
  • Writing a coherent text using cohesive devices.

They were shown the rubric I was going to use in order to evaluate their projects and they checked that a part of it focused on creativity and presentation. That’s why they thought about this when designing the story.

After finishing the story, they presented it to the rest of the class and they explained how they had organized themselves.

They enjoyed team work and they also loved using this tool as it is simple to use but it gives them quite a nice final product. 

Here you have an example of the story created by one of the groups:

Book titled 'A self-improvement story'Read this book made on StoryJumper


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